Sunday, 3 December 2017

Tips for Productive Appointment With Gynaecologist

Here are a few tips for having a productive appointment with a gynaecologist:
  • In order to better understand the condition, you are going through or about your health, you need to ask questions while the Gynaecologist in Saket examines you. If the answer is not satisfactory or isn’t clear enough, ask for a clarification.
  • Along with questioning your doctor, you need to properly answer to their questions as well. Disclosing as much as you can about your body and health to your doctor will help them diagnose you better and prescribe a better treatment.
  • Bring in other prescriptions you are currently on, or list of medication you are currently taking. Certain drugs and medicines can react with other medicines, so it is very important to let your doctor know about all the other medications you are currently consuming, even the ones that are over-the-counter.
  • You need to discuss your medical history as well as your family health history. Certain conditions like heart disease and breast cancer can have an impact your menopause treatment. Also, certain diseases are genetic and are passed from parents to child. The doctor should know about the diseases and conditions that you are susceptible to.
  • Share details about your lifestyle habits with the doctor. Inform them if you smoke or drink and also let them know about your diet and exercise habits. This information can be used by the doctor to guide a better treatment for you.
  • Do not forget to form a follow-up visit. Also, find out what is the best way to contact the doctor. In case you are to get a surgery by a Laparoscopic Gynae Surgeon In Noida, get an appointment for the date of surgery in advance.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

What Are Prenatal Screening Tests?

Prenatal tests are a set of certain procedures that are done on expectant mothers during pregnancy in order to determine whether the baby has or is likely to have any kind of birth defects. It can be done in healthcare centers, maternity centers or gynaecological centers. You may want to visit the Best Gynecologist in Noida for a prenatal screening test. These tests are usually noninvasive, and are performed during first and the second trimesters, although some may be performed in during third trimester as well.

These screening tests do not provide you with a definitive answer. They can only let you know your probability or risk of having some particular condition. A diagnostic test can further provide you with a definitive answer.

Some of the prenatal screening tests are routine in nature, like tests for glucose tolerance, which checks for gestational diabetes. Women who specifically have a higher risk of giving birth to a child with some certain condition may be offered additional tests. For example, women who have lived in areas where tuberculosis is quite common are given tuberculin skin test.

When are prenatal test done?

During the first trimester, the screening test can begin from, as early as ten weeks. Mostly, they involve ultrasound and blood tests. The Gynaecologist in Noida suggests that getting a prenatal screening test in first trimester is important to check the baby for genetic condition, like the Down syndrome, and also other conditions including heart defects, and cystic fibrosis.

During the second trimester, the tests begins at around 14 and 18 weeks. It involves ultrasound and blood tests to check risk for neural tube defects and Down syndrome.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Tips Given By Infertility Specialist to Get Pregnant Faster

Many couple get excited looking forward to parenthood but get disappointed because of difficulties faced while conceiving. Fortunately, technology and science has progressed a lot especially in the field of medical science. Now you can seek assistance of these developments in modern science.  An infertility specialist in Noida can help you get pregnant by giving you important tips and improving your chances through various treatment approaches.

Here are a few tips given by an Infertility Specialist in Noida for couple facing infertility issues.

  1. Healthy weight – Maintaining a healthy weight is of utmost importance. It might be offensive for some people if they are told to address their weight issues. However, it is an important factor when it comes to fertility. Fertility in couple is directly impacted by their weight. And it is not about just overweight issues but an underweight woman can have just as much difficulty. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy weight ideal for fertility.
  2. Lifestyle habits – A couple who is looking forward to parenthood might have to reconsider their lifestyle habits such as what they eat and drink, amount of sleep and exercise. One must stop smoking and drinking alcohol at once. Not only does it affects the general health but also decreases the chances of getting pregnant by deteriorating the quality of sperm and egg cells.
  3. Stress – Infertility in couples can be stressful times. It might bring about psychological effects as well as deteriorate social life as well. However, one must try to stay as calm and relaxed as possible so as to provide a healthy environment for conception.